Fill in the entry form below to confirm your attendance
Your first name & surname?
What is your email address
What is your contact phone number ?
What is your postal address ?
What is your Shooters Licence Number & State ?
What is the Expiry date on your shooters licence ?
What is your SID (Shooter Identification Number). In order to avoid hoax entries, we will only accept entries with a valid SID that matches your details. If you don't know your SID, ask your club or Association.
Are you a Super Veteran?
What is the name of your club?
Are you under 18 years of age?
What Grade are you entering?
What days will you be attending ?
Thank you for completing the entry form. Payment can be made on the day by cash or credit card
You can also pay direct in to the Bank Account Bank Name SWDRA BSB 083 957 ACC 51610093. Please send confirmation of payment with SID reference and copy of completed entry form emailed to
Click SUBMIT to complete this application
You can also pay direct in to the Bank Account Bank Name SWDRA BSB 083 957 ACC 51610093. Please send confirmation of payment with SID reference and copy of completed entry form emailed to
Click SUBMIT to complete this application
South West District Rifle Association - Summer by the Sea 2024/2025
All good - see you soon !